Archive for the critique Category

Mini-Lesson: La Chaine

Posted in art, classes, critique, design, moor, the book, morocco, workshop on January 9, 2011 by nictharpa

For those of you have had the chance to pick up a copy of Moor, you know the importance we ascribe to this simple motif. Its name, in French, means “the chain.” The chaine is the most important linear element in Moroccan design, and is drawn in a few different ways, the most common being with a simple zigzag sandwiched between two sets of parallel lines. When the chaine is drawn by Moroccan naqashat, it has a distinctive messy look. This is important because as a motif, the chaine does two things- it creates a boundary, but also recedes into the visual background- it gives just enough interest to move the eye, but not enough to distract from the other, larger motifs or the design as a whole.

So, when creating chaine motifs in your own work, remember to leave it a little bit messy. When the triangles of the zigzag become too defined, it begins to creep up visually, and changes the effect of the design as a whole.  It helps to think of the chaine as three parts, in order: one set of parallel lines, one zigzag, and another set of parallel lines. Create the zigzag quickly, in one smooth motion, without pausing, and you should have the right effect.

Some chaine examples for you, from our work:

Moor in NYC

Posted in algeria, amazigh, art, classes, critique, culture, design, henna, history, moor, the book, morocco, traditions, women, workshop on October 11, 2010 by kenzilisa

Nic and I are currently prepping for the NYC Moor workshop and we are very excited to be teaching so close to home.  After our great workshop in Seattle we both realized how important it is to work directly with henna artists and infect them with our passion for Moroccan henna art.  Plus we both really enjoy teaching and meeting artists from all over.  In Seattle it was great to meet old friends but also to meet people we only knew online.  We hope they benefitted from the experience at least half as much as we did.


Consistently we find that experiencing Moroccan henna in person, with demos and practice sessions as well as an extensive question and answer period really opens everyone up to learning.  There seems to be nothing like watching someone henna Moroccan designs to really cement the lessons from the book and the workshop.  In this NYC class we added some time to the class to allow for more demonstration and practice.

We hope everyone who signed up is ready for a Moroccan onslaught, prepared to catch the Moroccan bug for which there is no cure!

For more info or to register please go here.  If you would like to host a Moroccan henna workshop where you live, please contact us for more information.

Moor Moroccan Master Henna Workshop in NYC, October 16, 2010

Posted in algeria, amazigh, art, classes, critique, culture, design, henna, history, moor, the book, morocco, people, sahara, tattoos, traditions, women, workshop with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 3, 2010 by kenzilisa

Nic and I (aka Kenzi) are teaching a Moroccan henna master class in NYC for the all the Northeast henna artists.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Noon – 5 pm
Alwan for the Arts, New York City

We’ll be covering Moroccan henna traditions and designs in an in-depth 5-hour master class with live demos and hands-on coaching. This is a rare opportunity to not only learn from two of the premiere experts in Moroccan henna but also a chance to hang with us after (afterparty location to be announced).

The lecture/demo part of the workshop will be about 3-3.5 hours long. Everyone will get handouts of the information presented and we plan to dazzle you with a slideshow of awesome henna photos. There will be a Q&A period afterwards and a lot of hangout time to henna each other and practice what you have learned. Nic and I will be there, walking around and helping out as you practice. We will have henna and applicators, but you can bring your own henna and applicator to play with.

Cost for the workshop will be $60 for early registration (before October 1, 2010), $75 thereafter.  You pay for your spot online here.

See you in NYC!!

Moroccan Henna Master Classes

Posted in art, classes, critique, design, henna, history, moor, the book, morocco, traditions with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 18, 2010 by kenzilisa

Nic and I (aka Kenzi) are planning a Moroccan henna master class in NYC for the all the Northeast henna artists. We’ll be covering Moroccan henna traditions and designs in an in-depth 4 hour master class with live demos and hands-on coaching. This is a rare opportunity to not only learn from two of the premiere Moroccan-style henna artists but also a chance to hang with us after.

The lecture/demo part of the workshop will be about 3 hours long. Everyone will get handouts of the information presented and we plan to dazzle you with a slideshow of awesome henna photos. There will be a Q&A period afterwards and a lot of hangout time to henna each other and practice what you have learned. Nic and I will be there, walking around and helping out as you practice. We will have henna and applicators, but you can bring your own henna and applicator to play with.
Cost for the workshop will be $60 for early registration, $75 thereafter.

Post a comment here or email us if you are interested in such a class (this is not a commitment, we just need to get approximate numbers).  And please let us know whether you prefer an August date (probably August 8th) or sometime later in September.  We’ll post here with details once the date has been decided.  You will be able to pay for your spot online.  Thanks!

Finally! A very happy announcement!

Posted in algeria, amazigh, art, ceramics, classes, critique, cuisine, culture, design, food, henna, history, jewelry, jewish, language, mauritania, moor, the book, morocco, music, people, politics, sahara, tattoos, textiles, traditions, travel, tuareg, tunisia, Uncategorized, weddings, women with tags on June 1, 2010 by nictharpa

We are very pleased to announce that “Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco” is now available for purchase!

Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco

Moor: A Henna Atlas of Morocco

The first book of its kind, “Moor” is the story of henna in Morocco, giving you a first-hand account of how the Moroccans use henna for magic, beauty, and protection. After more than a decade of research, Lisa “Kenzi” Butterworth and Nic Tharpa Cartier are proud to present their findings in this groundbreaking book.

“Moor” contains more than 40 pages of text covering the history and culture of henna in Morocco, as well as an in-depth design manual that gives step-by-step instructions for learning Moroccan design elements and creating authentic and beautiful Moroccan-style henna work. The book also features more than 20 full-color photos of Moroccan-style henna work, as well as over 100 pages of Moroccan henna patterns from traditional and modern sources. “Moor” is the first comprehensive manual covering all aspects of Moroccan henna, and will be invaluable to henna artists, fans of Moroccan culture, and anyone interested in the beauty and rituals of exotic lands.

The book is currently available as a digital PDF download, for $43, from at the following link: or as a full color printed and bound copies  through at the cost of $52 for a softcover printing and $70 for a hardcover.

B’saha! Wear henna in good health!